1LT Todd Weaver
In Memory of 1LT Todd William Weaver
October 22, 1983 - September 9, 2010
Killed In Action Kandahar, Afghanistan
Remarks by Jacob Ivey
Friend & Platoon Leader-Bravo Company
"There was no one in 2-502 that I would trust more than Todd and we were glad that we would have each other to share our experiences with. We were closer than brothers."

Old man Weaver, wolf man, Brett Favre, the Silver Fox, Dusty Bones, Soldier, Infantryman, Ranger, Friend, Best Friend, Family Man, Father, Husband, Christian. All of these things I just said apply to Weaver, some in humor, most in reality. No one in 2nd Brigade knew Todd better than I. From the time we arrived we have done everything together. We became friends as Platoon Leaders and we became Best Friends as XOs and brothers in Afghanistan.
Weaver arrived at D/2-502 shortly after I did. You can imagine my surprise. I did not know that they were allowing people over 40 to commission these days. Well, the old man put us to the test in garrison and in the field. Our friends, Bryson and Snook, can attest to the quality of officer that he was; they too were amazed that a man so old could run so fast. We learned a lot from each other and we continued to challenge each other to always be better. Unfortunately for Todd and me, the battalion figured we would make good XOs, and with that our time as PLs was over. We were happy though that we could lean on each other to learn our new job. We were good friends.
Weaver took to being an XO just like everything else. He was “the good boy in school” and his influence on all of us had an unseen impact on all of the companies in 2-502. Most of our work was done at Ft. Campbell. Todd and I were in constant contact, I truly valued his opinion. In all honesty though, we spent most of the time hanging out in each other’s offices talking about DOG 5 (Bryson). Our conversations varied from simple things like work and 2010 Mustangs to the things that matter most in life, his family and his relationship with Jesus. Weaver helped make it fun and easy to be an XO. Our families grew close and Todd and I became Best Friends.
Again our experiences were the same, we deployed together to KAF on May 21, 2010. Our lives as XOs were as interesting as we could make them. Things changed on July 31, 2010. We were told that we were going to support 1/320th which was in heavy fighting in the Arghandab. Todd and I again were getting to go together to be part of “the fight”. When we left the ALOC that day we patted each other on the back and were all smiles. The opportunity to be Platoon Leaders in combat is what we had trained for and there was nowhere else we would rather be. But more so than that, we were glad we were going together. There was no one in 2-502 that I would trust more than Todd and we were glad that we would have each other to share our experiences with. We were closer than brothers.
Sixteen hours later we were at FOB Terra Nova. Less than twenty-four hours from the time we were notified we were in contact at COP STOUT. When he left that afternoon he got assigned to HHB and I got Bravo Company. I saw my brother three times over the next month. Each time the conversations were generally the same. He talked about how he was so happy to be a PL and how great it was to be doing the job he was trained for. He talked about how good his soldiers were and how they were receptive to learning. He talked about his NCOs and how blessed he was to have their support. He told me that he was glad to have a PSG he could rely on. He loved every minute being a Leader and he did not take it for granted. Our conversation would then turn to family and he would tell me to kick people off the MWR so that he and his boys could use the phones and computers. Apparently, Todd had to check to see if his condo had been condemned, something having to do with Chinese termites, not really, all he wanted to do was see his wife, Emma and little girl, Kiley. He loved them so much, he took care of them and placed them ahead of all else.
On September 9th, just east of COP STOUT, 2nd Brigade lost one of its best soldiers. John 15:13 says “A greater love has no man; than he who lays down his life for his friend”. Todd sacrificed everything he had for those that he loved and the country that he loved. He trained his men and he himself was the epitome of soldier, warrior and leader.
In closing, it is difficult to ease the pain in our hearts; but I am comforted by the fact that Todd was a saved Christian man who made the ultimate sacrifice. Todd understood that the enemy may take our flesh and blood but our soul is with Jesus. I know I will see him again. I also know that 1LT Todd Weaver would not want his death wasted. He came to accomplish a mission and he trained the men of HHB how to do that. His memory and his example will be with you always. We will not be broken by the death of our friend. We will not cower in the face of adversity. The enemy has strengthened our resolve to accomplish the mission and we will not fail.
Todd, Brother, I love you. Thanks for everything.