1LT Todd Weaver
In Memory of 1LT Todd William Weaver
October 22, 1983 - September 9, 2010
Killed In Action Kandahar, Afghanistan
Remembering Todd
"Whether our lives and our deaths were for peace and a new hope or for nothing, we cannot say; it is you who must say this. We leave you our deaths, Give them their meaning.
We were young, they say, we have died; remember us."
--Archibald MacLeish

Todd's Memorial Tree on the campus of William and Mary near the Wren building and Presidents Office, as compared from 2011 to 2023. A living tree is such a great memorial to Todd at his Alma Mater. Imagine what it will look like in twenty years.

During our April 22 trip to Virginia, one highlight was to watch Todd's nephew, Ethan, play baseball at Christopher Newport University on Senior Day. For the last two years of his college career Ethan wore # 10 in honor of his uncle. If you look closely, you will see Todd's name written out on his left wristband. CNU won the game and Ethan had a hit and ended the game with a fantastic double play in the field. Ethan was 9 years old when Todd was KIA.

Mission BBQ in Newport News VA: After the game, the entire family went to Mission BBQ for a great dinner and the chance to meet the owner, Jane Dickey She had already posted Todd's photo on the Gold Star wall after meeting with Glenn earlier in the year. It was quite an afternoon and Mission BBQ is a restaurant that is unique in its support of the military to both eat and be patriotic. We were also surprised when a former Bruton High School football player who played with Todd in 2002 and now works at Mission BBQ joined us.

Todd was honored at the Boston Marathon on April 18, 2023 when Army Veteran Steve Celeste completed the 26.2 mile course. Steve was part of the Tough Ruck March and wore a number of ribbons for fallen heroes, among them Todd's.

Todd is remembered through the painting, 'Bugler" which is featured as the cover image to Senior Scene Magazine with an article. May, 2023
Invited to do so by FL State Senator, Debbie Mayfield, Jeanne's 21 oil paintings from Losing Todd: A Mother's Journey, was displayed in Tallahassee April 26 - 28. The paintings were seen by hundreds on the 3rd floor of the Rotunda of the Capitol. Jeanne and her artwork honoring Todd were recognized with a standing ovation from the Senate floor. It was a once in a lifetime experience and done while the Legislature was in full session as Memorial Day approached.

The paintings and book, Losing Todd: A Mother's Journey are exhibited at the historic Porcher House, Cocoa, Fl. for the week preceding Memorial Day and into the next week in memory of Todd.
Memorial Day weekend, 2023 is packed with activities for Jeanne and Donn and they honor the memory of Todd and others who have given the Ultimate Scacrifice. Rolling Thunder hosts a dinner for Gold Star families. A contingency of the Dutch motorcycle group travel to the U. S. and to the Veterans Center on Merritt Island to say thank you to America for freeing their country during WWII. Jeanne gives a speech at the Liberty Bell Museum, Melbourne. Donn speaks at the Veteran Center, Merritt Island and also is emcee to a Memorial Day event in Cocoa at River Front Park.

One of Todd's good friends, Stephen Proctor and his wife Rachel, recently contacted us to ask if they might name their new baby girl after Todd. Stevie Weaver Proctor was born on Aug. 14, 2023 in Miami. Mom and Daughter are doing great and our entire family appreciates the gesture that continues to connect Todd with so many friends and family. Stevie joins Todd's niece, Amaka Todd Weaver, as another girl named in honor of him.
Hero Cards: Thanks to BG Leslie Purser, who spoke at Todd's Arlington National Cemetery Funeral, in August 2023 Todd was added to the National Hero Card program. His card number is #194 and is part of the group issued in September 2023. Cards are available on www.HeroCards.us/hero
The Hero card program includes military and first responders personnel from all wars over our history after careful review of their sacrifice.

The US Army's National Museum located at Ft. Belvoir, VA recently began a new memorial brick program. We purchased a brick in Todd's memory. It will be installed late September, 2023. As a former Army Officer, Todd's father, Donn is a founding donor for the Museum which is turning into a fantastic facility to honor America's Army, created in 1775.

Each year, the 101st Airborne Division and Fort Campbell host an annual Week of The Eagles in May at Ft. Campbell. The Eagles honor the legacy and heritage of the 101st Airborne Division. This year they celebrated the Division's 80 years of Service to our nation. Part of the week's celebration is the Boot Memorial paying tribute to those who have fallen. "The visual reflection of the enormity of loss includes 7,890 boots." Approximately 700 of those represent Ft. Campbells Screaming Eagles. Todd's boots are among those 700.

Todd's sibling, Adrianna with daughter, Astrid and Friend Ligon attend UVA basketball game as TAPS guests in honor and memory of Todd and all those who have given the Ultimate Sacrifice on Veterans Day.