1LT Todd Weaver
In Memory of 1LT Todd William Weaver
October 22, 1983 - September 9, 2010
Killed In Action Kandahar, Afghanistan

Ten Years Later
2020 was a year like no other for the United States of America and the entire world. Most events related to Todd's Legacy were cancelled or altered. But he was not forgotten and as this page indicates innovative ways to remember Todd and his sacrifice were created and shared by many.
In the photo Glenn and Donn were able to visit ANC to honor Todd on 9.9.2020.

May 29, 2020
Fox Sports ran nationally "Ball field to Battlefield" for a second time from Memorial until late July in honor of Todd. It can be seen on Vimeo.

August 23, 2020
As he completes Basic Training, PV2 Daniel Weaver is named honor graduate of his class at Ft. Sill, OK. He presents Todd challenge coins to five of his Drill Sergeants and Company Commander. The story makes the Army Times and one of his cadre reported he was with the 101st when Todd was killed.

July 30, 2020
Todd and Emma's daughter entered a very special art contest called the "Wild Child Patch" Contest back in April. She became a national winner and submitted her statement: "I represented the Army and Navy with my submission...I love painting, sketching sculpting and animating... I hope you enjoy my art as much as I enjoyed creating it." Her design was made into a patch the sales of which will support families of fallen heroes as part of the Gary Sinise Foundation.

September 3-13, 2020
Since William & Mary cancelled all fall activities due to COVID, there appeared to be no option to display Jeanne's "Losing Todd: A Mother's Journey" series of paintings. There were no other local public options except one. For ten days all twenty-one paintings were displayed at the Veterans Memorial Center Museum and seen by over one hundred people and some who wrote wonderful words in her guest book. In that way, many new people who saw the paintings or read about them in various places came to know Todd.

September 9, 2020
The ROTC Department found a way to honor and remember Todd on the 10th Anniversary of his death. They invited Glenn to be the speaker at a ceremony around Todd's tree on the W&M campus. In a driving rain Glenn was joined by Daniel who had just completed his basic Army training, by many cadets and some other who braved the weather.
October 3, 2020
In Main, Medal of Honor Recipient, Roger Donlon, places a copy of Todd's dog tags on a tree named in Todd's honor at the Wreathes Across America Headquarters. The Honor was arranged by Todd's great uncle, Colby Thresher, who is a friend of Donlon and active in supporting WAA. Colby was unable to attend but made sure a special person linked two military heroes over time.

A former W&M ROTC Cadet who was a student with Todd and now works in the ROTC office, sent us this 2007 W&M article about Todd as a cadet. This is one we had never seen before.

October 25: Amanda Herrnkind runs the Marine Corps Marathon, 22.6 miles. Included in the route is one Gold Mile in honor of Todd and others who have lost their lives in service to their country. Here, Donn, Todd's Father salutes at Todd's Mile Marker.

On Nov. 6, Bonnie Carrol, the CEO of TAPS contacted Jeanne to seek permission to use this painting entitled Poppies For Todd in 2021 world wide TAPS notecards and other correspondence to be sent out to Gold Star families and others.
On the W&M campus each year Veterans Day includes a bell ringing ceremony. This 2020 version was captured on YouTube and includes visual connection to Todd as well as comments from current ROTC leaders and students. It was very special for the family to receive this link ten years after Todd was killed. (click the image to see and hear the ceremony)