1LT Todd Weaver
In Memory of 1LT Todd William Weaver
October 22, 1983 - September 9, 2010
Killed In Action Kandahar, Afghanistan

Remembering Todd
"...let us also promise ourselves to do that which we can -- every day, starting today--to prove worthy of what our Fallen have given us at so great a cost."
ADM Michael Mullen

Easter is the reason why Todd had hope--A Pastor in CA talks of Todd in his Easter Sermon. He begins to speak of Todd at around 22 minutes in.

Musician Thomas Kendall wrote this song entitled "Dear Emma" based on Todd's witness

CROSSFIT 2019 Santa Monica. Todd was again honored at the CROSSFIT with the largest group ever. Overcoming his football injury was shared as motivation.

Todd and others who gave the Ultimate Sacrifice from the Williamsburg area are honored over Memorial Day Weekend at Waller Mill Park - the Memorial Mile.

Jeanne and Donn are Keynote speakers in from of 1200 attendees at the Cape Canaveral VA Cemetery in Scottsmor FL

Emma, Alex, Kiley & Shelton march in the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Guam parade in memory of Todd and with other Gold Star families and Purple Heart Recipients

Each new ROTC class learns about Todd at the tree in Todd's memory

Click the flag to read what the General said about Todd and his coin

Amanda Herrkind ran the Marine Marathon in honor of Todd.

Woody Wagner PGR Ride Captain, 2010, completes a 2019 ride to honor Todd and give the family including Emma & Kiley combat coin & keychain

Jeanne explains the Series of paintings, "Losing Todd" to BG Sloan at the International Exposition in Orlando where they are exhibited

The Gold Star Tree initiated by Todd's parents is again displayed at Merritt Square Mall. Rolling Thunder Chapter 1 visits & remembers Todd

Kiley, now 10 years old attends Snowball Express in Orlando with her Mom. They present Gary Sinese with "Losing Todd, A Mother's Journey".