1LT Todd Weaver
In Memory of 1LT Todd William Weaver
October 22, 1983 - September 9, 2010
Killed In Action Kandahar, Afghanistan
Tributes 2013

May 2, 2013
First Annual Run For the Fallen sponsored by Honor & Remember: Family and friends stood by Todd's marker at Rt 17 & Goosling Rd to cheer on runners who over a three day period will run eight minute miles from Ft. Story to Arlington National Cemetery honoring Virginia's fallen. We thank all those who created, organized and participated in the event. A meaningful tribute to Todd and all who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

May 27, 2013
Virginia War Museum: Adrianna, Finn & Astrid join Jeanne and Donn for a moving Ceremony at the Wall of Honor and War Museum in Richmond, VA. Astrid is given a very special afghan from one of the many ladies who creates them for families of the fallen.

May, 2013
Kandahar Crossfit Tribute to Todd: In early May, CPT Jenny Purser, Todd's W&M ROTC classmate coached the Kandahar Afghanistan Crossfit Program created in 2010 in honor of Todd. The photo depicts Jenny and others who took part in this challenging event. In yet another irony this was held near the place where Todd was killed. Jenny reported everyone was successful; but there were a lot of sore hands after 180 pull ups. Thank you, Jenny, and all who continue to honor Todd and other fallen Heroes via the Crossfit program.

Aug. 3, 2013
Peninsula Pilots Honor Gold Star Families: In a follow up to their 2011 game which honored Todd and raised money for his W&M award, the Peninsula Pilots college league baseball team hosted another game to honor the fallen. This time, at our suggestion, the team invited Hampton Roads area Gold Star families. Ft. Eustis Survivor Support team members; and the Patriot Guard Riders to their Gold Star Appreciation night. More than fifty family members representing eighteen fallen heroes as well as the PGR and the commanding Officers and Personnel from Ft. Eustis joined in the solemn ceremony. A Gold Star wife threw out the first pitch and the Pilots won. Plans were made to make this an annual event. In this way, Todd's legacy helps the community to honor all fallen heroes and their families.

August 30, 2013
Tundra Becomes A Guardian Angel: Before Todd left for Afghanistan he conviced Emma that they should buy a beautiful copper colored, blue eyed Siberian Husky called Tundra. After Todd was killed this dog became too much for Emma so Todd's parents took Tundra for three years. As they prepared to move to FL, to a condo which did not allow large dogs, Jeanne & Donn had to find the right home for Tundra. The national organization, Guardian Angels, which supplies medically trained dogs to those in need, gladly welcomed Tundra, who was born an Army dog. On this day she was turned over to the group in Williston, FL where she is seen getting her military brush out. She is quickly adapted to her new home and we gave the manager and eventually the new owner of Tundra each one of Todd's coins to carry on his legaccy. Todd would be happy to know this dog he loved would have such an important mission.

Sept. 14, 2013
Jumping With A Purpose: Forever remembering the cost of freedom, Todd's sister, Kristina joined with Wounded Warriors and four other Gold Star family members at this Skydiving event in memory of our fallen heroes and wounded warriors. In her words:
"Back flipping off a plane was...there are really no words. I felt brave, safe, held, suspended, peace. I was invited to place an enormous amount of trust in my instructor and videographer team; and it was healing to do so. Throughout the experience I felt a great love for Todd, and a feeling that he had also been able to embrace this liberating, empowering and fun leap of faith in his life. I felt immense gratitude for all who made the opportunity possible, including my mother who accompanied me and the wounded warriors and fellow gold star family members who shared the experience with me. I am so glad my daughter, Amaka Todd, got to see her mamma flying through the sky to honor the memory of her brave uncle." --Kristina Weaver

Oct. 27, 2013
38th Marine Corps Marathon: A Marine, Ryan Walsh ran the Marine Corps Marathon in honor and memory of Todd who he did not personally know. Over Memorial Day, 2014, this Marine trveled to Arlington National Cemetery to present this medal to Todd.

Veterans Day, 2013
At the Veterans Memorial Center on Merritt Island, FL, Jeanne presents Council Leadership with Todd's coins during the ceremony. The announcement is made that the Council had approved the OEF Monument which Jeanne designed. St. David's By the Sea Episcopal Church, Cocoa Beach, provides the first major donation to the fund for the Memorial with a check for $2,500.

Nov. 17, 2013
Glenn met Sara Groves, A Christian songwriter, in Princeton, IL, when she dedicated her song, Like A Lake, to Todd & a good friend of Glenn's during a concert at the Evagelical Covenant Church. Sara met with Glenn before the concert and shared her family's ministry and respect for Todd's sacrifice. This gave Glenn a chance to share Todd's story and why he chose several of Sara's songs for Todd's memorial service in Williamsburg. Glenn also gave Sara a set of postcard prints of Jeanne's paintings depicting her grief journey after Todd's death. This brought Sara to tears. Glenn used Like a Lake as the accompanying music for a slideshow of photographs of the mountain in Kandahar overlooking the valley where Todd died. Glenn and his friend placed a memorial honoring Todd at the summit of that mountain on April 25, 2012. His friend was tragically killed in Afghanistan in Oct. of that same year.