1LT Todd Weaver
In Memory of 1LT Todd William Weaver
October 22, 1983 - September 9, 2010
Killed In Action Kandahar, Afghanistan
The 1LT Todd W. Weaver Military
and Scholastic Excellence Award
Will be awarded annually to a ROTC Senior from W&M or Christopher Newport University who has excelled both militarily and scholastically; actively participated in athletics; and has demonstrated an outstanding leadership ability that would exemplify the characteristics of
1LT Todd W. Weaver.

The ROTC Miltary Award is decided by the ROTC faculty of The College of William and Mary and Christopher Newport University each year. The award is marked with an engraved plaque permanently placed in the ROTC Building at the College of W&M.
Once Todd decided to join ROTC, he used his experience as an enlisted Soldier to quickly rise in rank and to assume command of the Corps of Cadets at W&M and Christopher Newport University. In that process, Todd earned the ranking of thirty-sixth out of more than four thousand ROTC Cadets across the Nation. He truly earned his commission as an Army Officer in May of 2008. As a former Army Officer, Todd's father Donn Weaver was honored to administer the oath of office. (photo above)

April 25, 2012
Cadet Jonathan C. Conway, W&M

April 17, 2013
Cadet Aleca R. Blaisdell-Black

April 16, 2014
Cadet Janel Avery, CNU

April 13, 2016
Cadet Kyle Borda

April 13, 2017
Cadet William B. Avdellas

April 19, 2018
Cadet Max M. Sterling

April 20, 2020
Cadet Ryan Fameli

Julia Ciao
May 4, 2022

April 22, 2023
Cadet William, Stubner

April, 15, 2015
Cadet Hunter J. Gill

April 24, 2019
Cadet Thomas J. Harwood

Elizabeth Erickson
Battalion Commander
April 9, 2024
A message from Cadet Fameli, May 8, 2020:
"The Todd Weaver Award is a tremendous honor and holds a huge level of significance among the Cadets of the RGB because of 1LT Weaver's legacy and what he means to our program. I am humbled and proud to have been selected for this award and I swear to do my best to uphold the values that 1LT Weaver embodied in his life as I begin my Army career."