1LT Todd Weaver
In Memory of 1LT Todd William Weaver
October 22, 1983 - September 9, 2010
Killed In Action Kandahar, Afghanistan
Major Military Awards & Service Record
Nov. 2002: Enlists Virginia Army National Guard
Jan. - June 2003: Army Basic Training and
Engineer Adv. Individual Training, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
June 2003: Joins Virginia ENGR Battalion, West
Point, VA
Sep. 2003: Called to active dutty for support to
Hurricane Isabel Relief Efforts
Mar 2004-Feb 2005: Combat Tour in area of
Mosul, Iraq attached to 2nd Infantry Division
Stryker Brigade. Promoted to SPEC, E-4
June 2006: Transfers to William & Mary ROTC
program from VA National Guard
Aug. 2007: Airborne Training, Ft. Benning, GA
Jan. 2008: Becomes ROTC Cadet Commander
May 2008: Commissioned 2LT in U.S. Army; joins
active duty Army
May - June 2008: Serves as Gold Bar Recruiter
Aug. 2008: Air Assault School
Aug. - Dec. 2008: Officers Basic Course,
Ft. Benning, GA
Jan. - Mar. 2009: Ranger School, Ft. Benning, GA
April 2009: Assigned as Platoon Leader 1st BN,
502nd INF Brigade STRIKE
101st Airborne (Air Assault)
Nov. 2009: Promoted to 1LT
May 2010: Deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan as
Company XO, 2/502nd
Aug. 2, 2010: Re-assigned by Brigade Commander
as Platoon Leader in the 1/320th Artillery
Regiment of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team
Sep. 9, 2010: Killed in Action while leading his
platoon on a night ambush operation
Nov. 2010: STRONG POINT WEAVER built and
designated to honor 1LT Todd Weaver's leadership and sacrifice.
Oct. 2012: The Secretary of the Army formally
announces the 1/320th BN was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation (PUC) for combat operations in the Arghandab Valley in the summer and fall of 2010. Todd's legacy thus included this prestigious award which has been given only once before to the unit during WWII. No other unit of the 101st Airborne received the PUC during that period in Afghanistan.
October 11, 2021:
Todd is inducted into the National Army ROTC Hall of Fame in Washington, D.C.
November 13, 2021:
A ceremony at William and Mary recognizes the Army ROTC Hall of Fame induction.


National Defense Service Medal
Armed Forces Reserve
Medal with MOB Device
Army Achievement Medal
Army Good Conduct Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Army Commendation Medal
Overseas Service Ribbon
Global War on Terror
Expeditionary Medal (IRAQ)
Global War on Terror Medal (AFGH)
NATO Combat Service Medal
Bronze Star
Purple Heart
Presidential Unit Citation
Air Assault Badge
Parachutist Badge
Ranger Tab
Combat Action Badge
Expert Infantry Badge
Expert Marksman Badge
Combat Infantry Badge